Friday, June 24, 2011

Pottermore, to my disappointment.

I woke up at 5:50 in the morning (because that's how much of a dedicated fangirl I am) yesterday to prepare for Pottermore. Did any other Harry Potter whiz do this and is a little disappointed?
When I read Pottermore released preregistration three days after my eleventh birthday, I jumped for joy when I found out that I had finally gotten my acceptance letter. Then I realized that if I didn't get through the pre-registration, I'd have to wait until October. Does that mean that we have to follow another owl in a month? Oh, I'm sorry. FIVE MONTHS.
I'm not that disappointed. A live, online Hogwarts school is a great idea; we'll be part of the story and learn crucial information that J.K. Rowling has been hoarding for many years. That's a bonus for us hyperventilating fangirls.
Harry Potter is a great factor in my childhood, even though I still am young. My parents seemed to have readied me for my ultra-fandom; said they took me to see the first Harry Potter movie (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone) when I as two, three, or four. I came to preschool with a Harry Potter book-bag and matching lunchbox. When I was six, my godmother gave me, as a sixth birthday gift, a Harry Potter pillow that, to this day, lays beneath my head each night as I go to sleep. When I was eight (which meant I was in the third grade), I began reading the Harry Potter series by mistake; I was utterly bored and I stumbled upon the first book on a bookshelf in the basement. I finished the series when I was in fourth grade, or I was age nine.
I'm not ready to watch the last Harry Potter series film this year. I might even cry throughout the movie. Thank you, J.K. Rowling, for my childhood.

1 comment:

  1. Yup..that pillow with Harry's pic seems to stare at me whenever I check you out in bed!! Freaks me out every time!
