Monday, May 30, 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Where's my 7.5 mag earthquake?

Sorry that I haven't blogged in awhile. I was busy with school and got caught up with my tutor so that I didn't have enough time to post something. I'm aiming to have at least one blog post daily, and I'll see how that turns out.
As most people know, Harold Camping, an 89 year old man, predicted that Judgment Day (the day in which Jesus re-visits the earth and brings all the well-behaved humans to heaven and leaves the mortal sinners to several destructive disasters for five months. Once the five destructive months are over, October 21 was another prediction in which the world will be done with) was May 21, 2011 at 6:00 PM, when a so-called terrifying earthquake was going to happen. Apparently, he is also the man who predicted that the 'end of the world' was in 1988. Look where we are now! May 22, 2011 and none of us here have been even merely bruised unless of a different reason.
To make this clear, I do not believe that anyone knows the day in which Jesus comes back, or when we have a massive tornado that destroys every continent, or any other thing of that sort. It even said in the Bible that no man knows the hour in which it does happen in any of the situations I had listed just now. 2012 was just a movie. May 21, 2011 was just another wild prediction that made some people jump. It could happen any time, even in a matter of seconds from now, and we wouldn't know it.

I don't feel that I have to explain any more, because it's over. It's done.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Let's play a glove game, play a glove game...

I was on Animal Jam yesterday frantically looking for someone willing to trade their black glove. This is because I was scammed out of mine.
If anyone says to you "want to change your glove color?" on Animal Jam or "want to see a glitch to get a free glove?", don't follow them. You'll be scammed out of your glove or treasured item. I lost the rarest item on Animal Jam; the glove, and searched for a day until I finally got another one.
First, no one traded with me. Then, I was scammed out of my rare Christmas bow and didn't get a glove that time. Afterwards, a number of people rejected me, even while I was hopping in Jamaa Township for an hour saying "I will give 4 rares to a person who gives me black gloves!". When someone finally accepted, I was jumping for joy.

Then some greedy, needy, and speedy beggars followed me everywhere asking for it.

Here's a tip; once you get a glove on Animal Jam, keep it. Never let it go. Ever. Unless you trust the person, which you can't exactly do to someone you've just met on the game. No. That's not how it works. Keep the glove until someone in real life asks, offers something good, and then do so. Never ever let it go unless that is the case. You will utterly regret it if you do.
I was literally sitting in bed at night thinking "how the heck am I supposed to get my glove back?" That's how obsessed I am with this game. I seem desperate, but my friend has just recently obsessed over it, so I decided to give it a go again, and this way, I have an over-obsession for Animal Jam. Very funny.

The moral of this story is; gloves can cause frustration.
